...What we need is 'Equity' not 'Equality'...
Gender equality is the notion which says that men and women should be treated equally. When both men and women enjoy similar rights and opportunities across the society, Gender equality is achieved. Historians say that except that of Harappan civilization, men were the dominant human beings over women. Men were dominant over women till the recent centuries. But now women and feminists are raising their voice against men.
What is happening today? Feminists are rising in bulk from different parts of the world and by demanding complete rights from men they are actually trying to dominate over men. This not a good approach. For instance..the case of bus journey. Today every bus in the country are giving 50% of the seats reserved for women. In the remaining 50%, 25% of the seats are reserved for the Physically challenged and the Senior Citizens. This tendency has to be changed. Everybody should be allowed sit any where they needed or proper separate bus services equally for these men & women & for those senior classes should be allotted.
I believe that women are facing cruelty from men in the case of sexual harassment especially molesting cases .Many more suppression from orthodoxies families are also reported against women. Yet another fact is that I have recently read some news where women are arrested for molesting men. So men alone can’t be prosecuted for denying rights to women.
so.....What we need is equity not equality.....
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